I’ve worked on hundreds of narratives, events, corporate videos, concept visuals, and other promotional content. Having in-depth experience in everything from pre to post, I’m ready to tackle any project. Check out my show reel and motion graphics reel to get a taste of what I can do!
A collection of commercials, promo spots, music videos, and testimonials that I had the pleasure of bringing to fruition!
The human experience has always been an interesting topic for me. Here’s a portfolio of different documentaries I’ve edited or shot.
Various pieces of YouTube content I have created for YouTubers such as HungryBox, PaladinAmber, and LankyBox.
Dance is a huge part of my life, and I've always loved combining two of my passions! Check out some concept videos I've taken part in creating.
A collection of different shorts that I've been a part of. I've participated in all kinds of roles from pre-production to post.